
The Hardin-Simmons大学 言语及语言诊所 (HSUSLC) serves the general population throughout Abilene and the Big Country. The clinic provides diagnostic services and intervention for both pediatric and adult clients with a variety of speech, 语言, 还有吞咽障碍. Its primary goals are to provide high-quality speech and 语言 services to clients of all ages and to be a central training site for the graduate level students within the HSU Department of Speech-Language Pathology.

在诊所, HSU graduate student clinicians work with clients under the direct supervision of licensed and certified speech-语言 pathologists. Our students have access to the latest research in the field of speech-语言 pathology and work hand-in-hand with their expert 监事 to identify clients’ needs within the assessment process and then provide the best possible intervention.

Following a comprehensive assessment focused on determining clients’ specific strengths and challenges, 可以建议进行干预. 干预措施将针对已确定的传播挑战领域, 从确定适当的目标开始. 治疗方案是为每个客户量身定制的, 取决于独特的沟通优势和劣势.

PG电子游戏的使命是 to be a community dedicated to providing excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values. 为此目的, the HSUSLC is committed to providing high-quality speech and 语言 services at no cost.


The HSUSLC is focused on providing exceptional services by integrating evidence-based practice and current research into both assessments and treatments for populations with a variety of impairments, 包括:

  • 发音(发音困难)
  • 的声音
  • 流利(结巴)
  • 开发语言
  • 读写能力
  • 失语症(获得性语言障碍)
  • 失用症和构音障碍(运动言语障碍)
  • 喂食和吞咽
  • 语用学(社会交际)
  • 认知沟通(注意、记忆、组织)




电子邮件地址: slp@gumeimy.com

An assessment is necessary for each new client and will be completed by a graduate student clinician under the direct supervision of a licensed and certified speech-语言 pathologist. The purpose of the assessment/evaluation is to identify both communication strengths and challenges to then determine appropriate treatment options. The assessment typically begins with an in-depth interview with the client and family which enables our experts to develop an understanding of the communication abilities and concerns. 评估可包括以意见形式提出的正式和非正式措施, 标准化考试, 和问卷调查. 评估之后, a second appointment will be made in which the results and recommendations will be reviewed with the client and family.


To schedule an appointment or obtain more information, you may call (325)670-1014 or e-mail slp@gumeimy.com.  You will also need to complete a client intake form prior to scheduling your initial visit. 下载儿科病人入院表格 or 下载成人客户接收表格. 填妥表格后,请将表格交回 slp@gumeimy.com,我们的工作人员将与您联系,安排初步评估的时间. If you’d prefer to return the intake form via mail, you may send it to the following address:



HSUSLC位于HSU校园的Hemphill/Caldwell Complex. 查看 校园地图. 停车场可在东部地段毗邻考德威尔大厅. 您将在一楼办理入住手续. 如果你穿过标有“李·亨普希尔音乐大楼”的门,” the speech-语言 pathology suite where you may check in will be directly in front of you.

Please arrive at your first appointment 15 minutes early to complete additional paperwork.

Family members may be part of the assessment process as the clinician gathers information about specific concerns. 当评估的焦点转移到识别客户的能力, 家属可在观察室进行观察. Please note that parents/caregivers must remain on site during the assessment process.


评估完成后,需要进行第二次预约. 在第二次任命期间, your clinician will review the results and recommendations of the evaluation and will provide you with a written report.  你可在评核当日安排第二次预约, or you may choose to wait and have us call to schedule this appointment once the report is complete. 请给临床医生最多10天的时间来生成报告.


HSUSLC遵循大学的学术日历, 全年提供三个学期的演讲和语言服务(i.e.,秋天,春天和夏天). 治疗的频率将根据个人情况而定. 通常, clients who require services continuing beyond one semester are assigned to a new clinician each semester. This allows clients to improve their ability to generalize new skills within a variety of contexts and provides our student clinicians with varied experiences.


家属欢迎在观察室观察治疗过程. Please be courteous to others by keeping noise to a minimum in the observational room. Please also note that parents/caregivers must remain on site during their child’s treatment sessions.


如果您因任何原因需要取消您的预约, please contact the HSUSLC as soon as possible by calling (325)670-1014 or by sending a message to slp@gumeimy.com. 感谢您的关照,按时赴约.


Clients with families who are involved in the process of speech-语言 intervention often make faster progress than those who do not have support at home. Ask your family member’s clinician what you can do at home to help carry over learned skills from the clinic. 记住,语言治疗需要花费大量的时间和精力. Be patient and understanding with your family member as he/she progresses through the program.


Your confidentiality is of utmost importance as we provide speech and 语言 services. 所有临床医生研究生, 监事, and support staff are trained to follow HIPPA protocols to protect your health information. Careful policies and procedures are in place to ensure that your privacy is maintained.


我们希望家庭成员在干预过程中发挥积极作用. 如果您在整个治疗过程中有任何问题或疑虑, 请随时与您指定的临床医生讨论. 你觉得你需要和临床医生的主管谈谈吗, 你可以联系迪·柯比, 临床主任, 电话325-670-1039或迪·安·谢尔顿, 项目负责人, at 325-670-1020.

Aphasia group is a place for people with aphasia to come together on a weekly basis and work in a group setting with trained graduate clinicians under the supervision of a licensed SLP. 失语症小组专注于建立人际关系, 通过沟通提高自信, 学习新策略, 参与生活活动, 玩得开心. It is based on the principles of the Life Participation Approach for Aphasia which has been recommended by leaders in the field.

HSU失语症小组开会 星期二下午2点开始.m.-3 p.m. 在秋季和春季学期. 我们在HSU校园的亨普希尔音乐大楼见面. 它是免费的,所有成员,不需要评估之前参加.

要注册失语症小组,只需拨打325-670-1841或发送电子邮件 slp@gumeimy.com.